2: The Past


-3 years ago-

"Ah" I groaned, holding my stomach, squinting my eyes. I tried to sleep in but the growls didn't let me. "Ah Whattt?" I was forced to open my eyes to look at the time.

11.57 pm.

And then it hit me. I haven't eaten anything since morning, that's why my stomach's growling.

Sorry baby.

I struggled to bring my sleepy ass to work and took lazy steps to the kitchen yawning and frowning. The moment I opened the fridge ... I was met with nothing.

Only water.

I stomped my feet angrily. The inhumane growls were pissing me off now. I checked my cupboards for snacks, chocolates .... something?

Ah waeeeee~ How come I've nothing.

That bish must've eaten all my snacks. Ji-You're dead-soon just wait what I'll do to you. I could've had take out but it'll take so much time. I can just take a walk to the convenience store down the street.

At moments like this I feel the need of parents or maybe siblings. My parents died in an accident and made me filthy rich but didn't bless me with a sibling.

Not their fault anyways.

I peeked through the window and was met with pitch darkness. Yes I contemplated whether I should engage myself in trouble at this hour of night or not.

I considered sleeping with a wet towel on my belly but another inhuman growl with a twist and I lost it. I quickly took my coat, purse and scarf rushing outside.

I took fast, careful steps and avoided all kinds of narrow streets and alleyways. It's not like I'll cross paths with gangsters or something.

Wouldn't that be too clichè?

Still I did my best to not involve myself in any kind of unwanted mess. There were barely any people out at this hour. Maybe I should consider buying an apartment elsewhere. This neighborhood screams danger.

I danced in victory at the sight of the store and pleased my stomach with two packs of cup noodles and a few snacks. I'm a pig oink oink.

I bought more than a few snacks and other groceries so that I wouldn't have to encounter such a situation ever again though it was thrilling and adventurous. Totally my type.

My footsteps halted when I heard gunshots. The voice pierced my ear. I'm not a scaredy cat but that was ... frightening. I quickly turned into a street upon hearing footsteps and continued walking in that direction.

Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back.

I kept murmuring to no one in particular until I felt something on my arm and was pulled somewhere. I screamed I swear I did but it was inaudible since my mouth was covered.

I can't believe this is happening to me.

"Shhhhh keep it down unless you wanna die" My chest was going in and out and I didn't realise I started tearing up at some point. I don't know why I felt the need to cry all of a sudden.

I could feel someone's chest pressed against my back. It was a man. I could tell from his deep voice and toned figure. I would've been head over heels for him if we were in a different situation.

I struggled to get out of his grip but heck he was hulk.

When footsteps were nowhere to be heard the strong grip on my mouth and waist loosened and I immediately jumped away from him.

"Leave they've gone now and kiddo it's not sensible to stroll in such streets at this hour"

Wait ... he's asking me to leave. Shouldn't he kidnap me, threaten me or maybe rob me?

I guess I have amazing luck. I didn't look at him cuz I didn't want him to see my tear stained cheeks and glossy eyes. I hated to be pitied.

I turned on my flashlight and gathered my things which accidentally fell outta my hands not sparing him a glance until I noticed the red stain on his white shirt.

"W-What's that?" I pointed but he quickly covered it.

"Nothing. Just leave" His voice low yet dominating. And that's when I looked at him, meeting his eyes. His doe eyes and plump lips with his milky skin and charming aura didn't fail to make me drool.

For a moment we stayed like that.

Him trying to read the deep ocean of my eyes while me analyzing his soft features. His brows crouched as he tilted his head eyeing me as if I was an alien or something.

But I was unable to read his expression. His lips parted but he turned his head to the other side murmuring a small 'please leave'

All of a sudden he fell to the ground groaning in pain and I took quick measures too. "Leave before they get here" I shook my head vigorously.

"Y-You're hurt I ... I can't leave you alone like this"

"LEAVE!" His eyes turned red for a split second and I flinched this once but next moment I was unbuttoning his shirt.

"What are you--"

"I'm a medical student so if you please shut up and lemme check up on you" I bit my tongue before I could go further. Rummaging through my purse I got a hand of my ID card and gave it to him.

I analyzed the wound while he took his time reading it. "It's a gunshot" He hummed. I need to take out the bullet and stop the bleeding asap. So I tilted my purse, grabbed the tweezers.

Yes, tweezers. I can't take the bullet out with my fingers now can I?

He gave me a look of disbelief but as if I cared. The bullet was out in the fourth attempt and I spilled a can of beer on the wound I bought earlier. Alcohol helps heal wounds faster.

Wrapping my scarf around his waist I sighed in relief. Until now I didn't notice how beautiful of a body he had and my cheeks instantly turned red.

I kept myself busy in picking up my stuff. "Didn't your parents teach you not to involve yourself with a Stranger. It could be dangerous"

"I don't have parents and you seem nothing like 'dangerous'. So Mr.." I thought I saw him smirking but he quickly put on a poker face.

"Jungkook. Jeon jungkook"

"Yes Mr. Jeon you'll feel alright in some time and I should be leaving now. Let's be strangers again"

I was about to walk away when I heard a couple of gunshots and crouched down. "We need to get outta here NOW" His one arm around my neck while mine around his waist as we rushed out of the alleyway until it was a crossroad.

Dark chuckles along clicking of metals and sharp sound of blades was heard. I looked around only to see being surrounded by not so nice looking guys with creepy smiles.

"W-What d-do we do now-w?" I tried not to stutter but at this point it'd be a lie if I say I didn't feel my chest tightening and heart pounding until I heard a laugh.

A laughter from beside me.


I gazed at him like a lost puppy until I looked around and saw some guys in black pointing guns to not so nice looking guys. "Jungkook you alright?"

One of them walked over to us having an angelic face and heavenly features and I felt I could finally breathe. They were with us.

I didn't focus much on their talk until I heard a string of gunshots and the not so nice looking guys were on the ground- dead.

I looked beside me only to see Jungkook holding a gun and grinning like a creep. And that was the moment I knew I'm so fcked.

"Jimin clear the bodies" He said to the guy with blonde hair- he was chit chatting earlier with and diverted his attention to me.

"Do I seem dangerous now huh?" I stood like a statue however from the inside I was cursing and screaming. He looked like a completely different person.

His hand met my cheek caressing it tilting his head while I interpreted everything .

"Kim y/n ... welcome to my world" He closed the proximity between us. His eyes seemed a lot darker than before, enough to make me tremble.

His thumbs brushed my lips while I stared at him blankly. "You're mine" And that's when his lips came clashing into mine. For a moment I didn't even defy him until the realisation hit me.

Y/n get the fck out of here.

I pushed him away hard enough so that he fell on the ground with a painful groan and I took that chance and ran for my l


"In your dreams you motherfcker!" I managed to yell before making a dash and I could hear him yelling

"Come back here y/n!!"

To be continued ..

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