Chapter 7

Next day

(Still jungkook's Pov )

I was sleeping soundly until I felt something very soft stroking my arms from up and down in a periodic motion.

Wait! It was not something but fingers

freaking fingers!

If it is a maid then she is going to die because now only my baby can touch me like this and only I can touch her!

I unfolded my black orbs only to find my baby looking at me in a silk red bathrobe and her hair were wet as if she just showered.

Jiwoon - "why ain't you happy to see me!?"

She said seductively. And then in a swift moment she came so close to me and started stroking her fingers on my abs as they were bare now.

I didn't wear any shirts yesterday , I just slept in my boxers.

And then she bit her lower lip and came even more closer to me and now I was under her and she was hovering over me.

She started bending down and then her face came closer and Closer

And then I could feel her breath fanning on my lips.I closed my eyes as I just wanted to feel those plump lips over mine.




I felt nothing. Then she said

" Well, missing your soon to be wife already!

Impatient ain't we!?"

As she said that I shot my eyes open and saw her smirking at me and that smirk was such a turn on.

Then I rolled and got her under me and said

" Baby! But Imma get what I want!

And I want to kiss you right now and I will do it!"

And with that I started bending down but she faced other side and whispered



But shouted

" Just Waaaaakkkkke up...

You lover freak!”

I then felt a hand pulling a handful of hairs and that was when I realized that I was dreaming.

I shot my eyes open to see a little panicked Suga under me

"What the fv$k!?"

Was all I could say!

Did I just have a dream!?

A freaking wet dream

She even started to invade me in my sleep.

I groaned and the words just slipped out of my mouth.

" Baby! You will surely be the death of me.!”

Poor Suga hyung


Suga’s Pov

Today I have got each and every information about the girl

And I want to tell Jungkook about this.

Well it's because I have been with Jungkook since he was born and I promised our late mother that I will protect him no matter what happens.

We grew up together and there's nothing both of us have ever hidden from each other.So I decided to give this information to him by meeting him personally.

It was 10 in the morning.

I decided to go to him. I did my daily routine and went to his room.

Only to find him asleep.

Well I know my little bunny looks so cute


I decided to leave and talk to him after breakfast but as I turned to leave he started to mumble in his sleep.

Jungkook is mumbling something in his sleep - "baby! You"

And then what shocked me even more was that he slightly smiled.

I smirked to myself and rubbed my nose with my thumb in joy that the girl seriously had a great impact on him.

Then I traced my finger on his abs. I wanted to tease him and wanted to see his reaction.

Then his lips formed a pout as he was waiting for me I mean his "baby" to kiss him

I decided to tease him even more.

I hovered completely over him and whispered in his ear in a girly voice

" Well missing your soon to be wife already..

Impatient ain't we!?"

I was giggling to myself but the thing he did next made me regret my decision for the first time in my life.

He spun and hovered above me changing our positions

He still had his eyes closed

" Well baby!

If I want something I get it.

Right now I want to kiss you and I will do it"

And my eyes popped out as I heard that

I swear I will never tease him again but I don't want to kiss anyone else except my wife . And he started coming Closer

And more closer

But before this freak could assault my sweet little plump lips I screamed in his ear

"Waaaakkkkke up already..

You lover freak!"

That was when his eyes shot open and his eyes widened too

"What the fv$k?"

But a female scream distracted us and when we turned to see the person it was none other than a female maid

And both of mine and Jungkook's eyes widened.We both panicked and started struggling only to end up on the floor .

"The fv$k!

What must she be thinking about us!?"

I said only to receive a glare from jungkook.

J/k -"First! Tell me the fv$k you were doing under me!"

Suga-" hey!

You were the one who got me under you…

I just came to wake you up!"

J/k - " I am up now then leave"

Suga - " won't you like to hear about our sister in law's name first!?"

I smirked and he smirked with me too as I said that .

J/k -" but first lemme see my baby!

Then he clicked his bed's button and his ceiling showed her picture, No his "baby's" picture.

J/k - " now I can see it!"

Suga - I put the file in the nightstand so you can check it. You shouldn't miss your baby so much.That you even start having wet dreams about her.."

Jungkook ‘s POV

My eyes widened at that and then I just smirked He then chuckled , winked at me and then left but not after saying

"See you at dining table"

I just hummed and with that he left. I then went to the bathroom and did my morning routine.

I wore a navy blue with a black ripped pair of jeans.

I combed my hair then I heard a knock.

"Come in "

I said and it revealed a maid.

" Young master

Breakfast is served."

I raised my hand and signed her to leave. I was combing my hair and was looking at my reflection in the mirror alternatively.

Then the memory of my dream flashed and I smiled and mumbled to myself

"I will make sure it comes true"

"I am waiting, honey."

I heard my baby's voice and there she was inside the mirror standing while biting her bottom lip. I shook my head and she was no more there.

"Baby you are definitely going to be the death for me"

With that I left for the dining table.

On the dining table

Author p.o.v

Namjoon hyung , Jin hyung , Hobi hyung. They all were sitting there except for when Suga hyung came. He was coming downstairs and he was wearing a white shirt with black pants.

He reached the dining table and sat next to Namjoon hyung and said

" Morning,everyone"

"Morning, kookie "

Hobi hyung said Jin hyung nodded his head and everyone greeted him back while Jungkook just rolled his eyes, Suga was astonished to see him earlier than him.

Namjoon- " Jungkook, I want you to take care of the deal with Wang . Whatever the situation was last time, make sure you get the money from him.

And if he doesn't give it nicely, don't hesitate to use your ways."

Jungkook smirked at Suga and then nodded.

Namjoon again spoke but this time to Suga "I want you to accompany Jungkook to the office. We have important matters to settle down."

Namjoon : What about our little boys !? Hobi hyung

How are they doing in Busan?"

Hobi - "They are doing great.

"How's Hyundai doing' Jin Hyung ?"

Namjoon asked

"Great! Joon "

"Hmmm! I see .."

After a few business chats everyone finished their breakfast and everyone went to do their own business.

End of POV

Sarang ‘s Pov

Sarang walks down the street, gently holding Jihan’s small hand as he toddles beside her. The early morning light filters through the trees, casting a soft glow on them. Jihan looks absolutely adorable in his tiny outfit, his wide eyes taking in the world as he clutches a stuffed animal in his other hand. Yeontan, the fluffy Pomeranian, trots happily beside them, wagging his tail.

Jihan, in his tiny shoes, holds Sarang's hand while Yeontan happily trots alongside. The trio is the perfect image of a peaceful morning, a mother, her son, and their little dog .

As they approach the daycare, Mrs. Yang, a kind woman in her mid-fifties, greets them with a warm smile.

As they approach the daycare, Mrs. Yang, a kind woman in her mid-fifties, greets them with a warm smile.

Sarang bends down to adjust Jihan’s backpack and kisses his forehead before he runs inside along with Yeontan barks happily at Sarang as if to say goodbye. However, Mrs. Yang's next words bring a sudden shift in Sarang’s thoughts.

Mrs. Yang Slightly hesitant but warm she said ,

"Sarang, my dear, I wanted to inform you. I'll be leaving for my hometown tomorrow. There are some land issues in the family, and I might be away for a month."

Their is a Concern flashes on her face, her voice tinged with worry

"A month? Oh… I didn’t realize it was such a long time."

"How will I manage Jihan and Yeontan together with the cafe?” she thinks in her mind

Mrs. Yang Smiled reassuringly, trying to ease Sarang's concerns

"Don't worry, dear. You’ve handled far more difficult things before. Jihan and Yeontan will be fine."

While Sarang tried to look calm, though internally she's running through how she’ll juggle everything but she said "I guess I’ll have to manage somehow."

"Thank you for letting me know, Mrs. Yang. We’ll be okay, don't worry.”

Mrs. Yang Nods and pats Sarang’s shoulder "You’re strong, Sarang. It’ll work out. I'll be back before you know it."

"Take care, Mrs. Yang. And safe travels."

They both share a brief chuckle Suddenly jihan and Yeontan came again and hugged Sarang’s legs .

Sarang bends down, kissing Jihan’s cheek and giving Yeontan a pat on the head.

"Alright, Jihan. Be good today, and listen to Mrs. Yang, okay?” Mommy will pick you both up later."

Jihan smiled with a grin and said

"Yes, mommy!" This is the only thing he could speak

Sarang waves goodbye to Jihan and Yeontan as Mrs. Yang takes them inside. She watches for a moment, her thoughts heavy, before turning and heading to her café.

End of POV

Meanwhile in Sarang’s cafe

The sun rises slowly, casting a soft, golden hue over the café. Inside, Jimin and Taehyung work alongside Yuna, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. It’s a quiet morning. Sarang had left earlier to drop Jihan off at daycare and meet Mrs. Yang, leaving Yuna in charge. The café is serene, but the peace is soon disrupted by the sudden arrival of Jiwoon.

Yuna, Jimin, and Taehyung are working in the quiet, cozy cafe. The sun is just beginning to peek through the windows

the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. It’s a quiet morning. Sarang had left earlier to drop Jihan off at daycare and meet Mrs. Yang, leaving Yuna in charge. The café is serene, but the peace, She is humming softly as she arranges pastries behind the counter. Jimin is checking the coffee machine, while Taehyung is organizing tables.

Yuna is placing a croissant on display

When Taehyung asked ,Yuna where is Sarang ??

"Sarang should be back soon. Mrs. Yang wanted to talk to her about something, so she had to drop Jihan off early." Said Yuna

Jimin looked up, a bit concerned

"You didn’t need to open the cafe yourself, Yuna. I could’ve handled it."

Yuna smiled and said , "I know, but I enjoy the quiet mornings here. Besides, you’re too protective."She glared at Jimin while recalling the morning incident the way Jimin panicked and quickly came to the cafe along with Taehyung who actually looked like a sleeping zombie but having his morning coffee he was fine .

Jimin, smile and said

"Is anything wrong Mrs. Yang?"


Yuna "Not at all, she is sounding fine when she was talking in the morning , and we will get to know everything when Sarang will come chim While talking to Jimin Yuna suddenly Yuna remember something and said

A/N pov

"Oh, by the way, Jiwoon’s back."

Jimin and Taehyung exchange a glance.

Jimin is surprised but he didn't show this to Yuna and said "Jiwoon? When did she return? "She came back yesterday. You remember her, don’t you?" Asked Yuna

Jimin nods his head and said,

"Yeah, I remember. Smart girl. Sharp, too. Always had her own way of doing things."

Taehyung in his mind

"Jiwoon, Jimin mentioned her once.He Said she’s different from you two .

Suddenly, the door to the cafe swings open, and a tall, striking woman enters. She’s confident, with an air of mystery around her. Her movements are swift, her gaze sharp, taking in the surroundings with a calculating eye.

Taehyung’s eyes narrow as he straightens up. He immediately notices how different this woman feels from the usual customers.

Yuna’s face lights up as she notices the woman.

Yuna: (grinning) “Jiwoon!”

Jimin under his breath said “Here we go…” but Taehyung clearly heard everything which Jimin said and he leaned towards Jimin whispering to Jimin he asked “Jinwoon?”

She’s… different. Smart, unpredictable, fast. Not like Yuna or Sarang, but in a good way.” we have to be careful if she work with us

Sometime in wonder “In a way. She’s not part of this world exactly, but she’s got that edge.” while Yuna walked over to Jiwoon and said “I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow!”

Jiwoon shrugged with a smirk “Decided to surprise you. I got in early, and I thought I’d stop by to see how you’re running things.”

“Always the perfectionist, huh?” Yuna teases Jiwoon with a playful glint in her eye“I like to make sure everything’s in order.” said Jiwoon

Yuna turns to Taehyung and Jimin, gesturing toward Jiwoon.

Yuna: “Guys, this is Jiwoon. Our best friend Jiwoon, you’ve met Jimin, and this is Taehyung.”

Jiwoon’s gaze flicks to Taehyung, appraising him. Taehyung feels her sharp eyes on him, and for a brief moment, they lock eyes. He gets the sense that she’s sizing him up, and he raises an eyebrow, unbothered by her scrutiny.

“So, you’re Taehyung.” asked Jiwoon

Taehyung nodded his head and said, “I am. Heard a lot about you.”

“All good things, I hope.” before Taehyung could speak

Jimin: (jumped in the conversation and said “Well… mostly.” he winks looking towards Yuna

Jiwoon laughed and asked “Figures. So, where is Sarang ?? When you left tomorrow Mrs Yang called her and asked to meet with her so she went to the date care with Jihan along with Yeontan .

While the two ladies are busy in talking

Taehyung watches the interaction closely. He senses Jiwoon’s sharp wit and keen observation, the way she speaks with authority but also genuine care. She’s not what he expected—a mix of charm, intellect, and unpredictability. He remembers Jimin’s words about her being like them in many ways.

You sound like you don't like being in control.”

Jiwoon turned to him, while their eyes glinted “I am. And I like it that way.”

There’s a brief pause as the two hold each other’s gaze. Yuna and Jimin exchange glances, sensing the tension but also the mutual respect building between Jiwoon and Taehyung.

Jimin, to lighten up the situation said “Well, now that introductions are out of the way, how about some coffee, Jiwoon? You look like you could use a pick-me-up after your trip.”

“I never say no to coffee.”

Taehyung watches as Jimin goes to make Jiwoon’s coffee, but his mind lingers on the woman in front of him. She’s not like Yuna or Sarang—she’s someone entirely different, and that makes her both intriguing and dangerous. He’ll have to keep an eye on her.

Jiwoon leaned toward Taehyung slightly and said “So, what do you think of Sarang’s little world?”

“It’s peaceful.”

“Peace never lasts long, does it?”

Taehyung’s smirk deepens, sensing that Jiwoon understands far more than she lets on, he gives a small nod, still analyzing Jiwoon’s presence. Despite her charm, there's an unmistakable intensity about her—like she’s always five steps ahead. It intrigues him.

“Well, the café could use some unpredictability. Keeps things from getting boring.” “Good. I don’t do boring things.”said Jiwoon .

Before she could speak further Yuna call her out from behind the counter

“Alright, enough standing around. Let’s get this café ready for the day. Jiwoon,I think you can handle the orders?”

Jiwoon who is already tying an apron said

“Please. You know I can handle anything you throw at me.

While Taehyung murmurs to Jimin as they move toward back side of the cafe

Jimin nodded his head and said “Told you. Stick around, you’ll see just how fast she gets things done.”

Taehyung nods, intrigued and silently noting that Jiwoon is someone to keep an eye on, not in a bad way, but because she’s clearly as sharp and capable as anyone in their group. Maybe even more.“She’s definitely... different.”


The scene opens in the dimly lit office of the BOC (Board of Operations Control) department, where Minho and Yeojun are seated at a round table. Blueprints and documents are scattered across the surface, illuminated by the soft glow of a hanging lamp. They’re in the midst of an intense conversation about raiding the Bangtan mansion, speaking in hushed but urgent tones.

MINHO focused expression pointing at the blueprint when he said "We'll need to disable the security system in this section first. Without taking down their cameras, it'll be impossible to get close to the mansion."

Yeojun nodded his head while his eyes on the screen , "Agreed. But we need a stronger diversion for the south gate. If anyone catches wind of this, it’s over.”

"The security at Bangtan Mansion is tighter than ever. We’ll need to bypass the underground system. Hit them from where they least expect it.”

"But if we time it right, we can take advantage of the shift change at the east wing. That’ll give us a narrow window

Suddenly, the heavy door swings open, and Jackson Wang strides in, his presence commanding attention. Dressed sharply and oozing confidence, Jackson interrupts their meeting, his tone casual yet dangerous.

Jackson walks in without knocking, his hands casually in his pockets. Minho and Yeojun stop mid-sentence, their eyes darting toward him.

Jackson with a smirk, looked towards Minho and Yeojun his voice smooth but assertive ,

"Talking about hitting the Bangtan mansion without me? Now that's bold."

Minho straightens up, eyeing Jackson warily, but his expression remains unreadable.

Minho’s voice is calm, but with a hint of tension,

"We weren’t expecting you this soon, Jackson."

Jackson chuckled as he walks closer, his gaze flicking to the blueprints on the table

"Expectations are boring. I like to keep people on their toes. So, what’s the play here?

Are you planning to storm the mansion and grab what’s mine, or do I get an invitation to this little party?"

Yeojun took a glance at Minho before speaking, trying to maintain control

"We’re still working out the details. But if you’re in, we need full cooperation. This isn’t a one-man show."

Jackson, leans over the table, looking at the blueprints with amusement

"Cooperation? Sure. But just remember—when it comes to this mansion, I don’t like sharing the spotlight. What’s my cut?"

Minho exchanges a look with Yeojun, knowing Jackson’s reputation for making everything about leverage.

Minho with a measured tone said,

"You get what’s promised—no more, no less. But if this raid is successful, we all walk away with more than we came for."

Hearing Minho's statement Jackson grinning, while standing back up he said,

"Fair enough. But make sure your plan is airtight. I don’t enjoy cleaning up after amateurs."

"Fine. You’re in. But don’t mess this up, Wang. If you do, we all go down."

Jackson pulls out a flash drive from his pocket and tosses it onto the table. Minho catches it.

"Consider that a little gift. Surveillance footage of their main entry points. You’ll thank me later."

Minho nods, still wary, but inserts the drive into the laptop. As the footage starts playing, the three men gather around the screen.

Jackson gives them one last glance, his smirk never faltering, before turning to leave. The room feels heavier with his presence gone, and Minho and Yeojun exchange a knowing look.

Yeojun under his breath watched Jackson leave

"He’s going to be a problem."

Minho nodded his eyes still on the blueprints

"He always is."

The blueprints in more detail, with arrows and notations highlighting entry points and weak spots in the Bangtan mansion’s defenses.

To be continued …..

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